Pictorial blethers

By blethers

High coffee

Remember High Tea? Is it still A Thing? Fish and chips, perhaps with some peas, sliced white bread, tea ... Not had it in years - at least, not called that, and not usually with the tea and white bread. Be that as it may, I felt we had quite high morning coffee today, when for once we got it right with the weather and headed out for a walk in the morning when the sun was warm and the rain hadn't arrived. There is a fairly new bench on a site in Benmore Gardens overlooking Glen Massan, and that is where we had a flask of perfect coffee in the sun.

I'm going to post an extra, however, of some wonderful pinkish-looking grass that we came upon further on. It has increasingly been the policy of Benmore Gardens to leave large areas of land pretty much uncut, though I don't know if it's to favour insect life or merely because of a shortage of staff. I love it anyway.

Spent the afternoon doing huvtaes. It's amazing how much time you can spend cleaning bits of the bathroom with so little to show for it ...

There's lightning forecast for tonight. I wonder if I'm sleepy enough to ignore it?

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