
Well then, what about Wednesday?

Work was busy. My new responsibilities weighed heavily on me. No, really. 

OK, I tried to take them seriously and failed dreadfully. It was the same with my colleagues, and perhaps even more so, because no-one had told them I am (supposed to be) in charge.   

My main achievement was to remain professional when speaking to a constituent who is unhappy with the speed her insurance company is dealing with her claim. Why she thinks this is the function of the Scottish Government is difficult to work out. 

It makes a change from the gripes about overgrown hedges, and refuse bins emptied but returned to the wrong place. Then there are the ones who expect us to keep a gun in the back of the office to shoot aggressive gulls with.

We see it all. 

In the morning I spent a couple of hours on community engagement tasks in East Wemyss. These ventures are always interesting as we get to see other people’s lifestyles. I came upon a house with a fishing boat in the front garden.

Tsunami or just a very high tide? 

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