An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

The Contortionist...


Up bright and breezy this morning and it was a relief to wake up as I was dreaming I was running a restaurant in a very posh hotel and Gordon Ramsey was coming for dinner.  Not only was I manager of the restaurant but I was waitress, bar person, chef and Gordon's dinner companion too!  As you can imagine I was feeling rather stressed when I woke up!

Out for a short while this morning for an eye check.  All well.  Back home for lunch (yes we actually came home for lunch instead of having lunch out!  Having some fresh crusty bread, roast beef and horseradish in the house may have swayed us :-))

David went to collect Alan's car which was in the garage getting a faulty oil sensor fixed.  Or so we thought.  Turns out it wasn't the sensor that was faulty but the actual cable.  It had been chewed!  And not only that, when the mechanic removed the engine shield, he discovered a nest.  A mouse nest!! They took photos to let us see.  Unbelievable!    I can understand mice building nests in cars that aren't used regularly but Alan's is used almost every day!  

Having now read how dangerous this is (can cause car fires.  The thought of a car fire with Alan clamped in the back in his wheelchair makes me ill!) there will be a garage clear out and the cars will be back in there!

Check your cars peeps!

I spent most of the afternoon and evening editing the photos of Andrew and Esme.  I've managed to get loads of good ones, particularly of Esme who has such an expressive little face :-)  

Just before bedtime I looked up and Lola was sound asleep in her usual ladylike pose!  Honestly, how can that be comfortable?  Daft dog!  lol

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