In the trees

It's been a long time since I last lunched in Temple Gardens. I found a lovely seat and sat in the middle of plentiful greenery, with a wood pigeon pecking around the base of tree nearby, several fellow lunchers sitting on the grass or on benchers and one quietly strumming a guitar. This is a very pleasant way to spend half an hour. 

Once back in West Norwood, I visited the Sustenance Zero Waste shop and topped up my laundry liquid and cereal, and filled my "try something new" container with some almond and chocolate granola. I'm looking forward to breakfast already. 

Then I hopped around the corner to fix some battered tables, all part of the equipment for West Norwood Feast. With three others, I was on taping duty, while John was in charge of fixing screws and stabilising legs. There are some tables that are past their best and we will salvage what we can from them to make the other tables better. While we worked, we chatted and caught up. I met one of our marketing volunteers for the first time – she works in stationery! My goodness, that's a dream job.

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