
I didn’t sleep well and my back ached where I tweaked a muscle earlier in the week.  I did some stretching and that seemed to help.  BB went off to football and TT and I went to a running workshop.  TT signed me up for it months ago, and I had no idea what I had let myself in for.  I really enjoyed it and hope I have learned a lot that might help me to be less of a plodder.  However by the end of it, my back was aching again.  We got home to find out that BB’s team had won 19:1.  TT and I felt sorry for the opposition.

My back got worse during the afternoon and I was in agony as it kept going into spasm.  I couldn’t concentrate on anything and didn’t know what to do with myself.  Later I wanted to check I could still move, so walked slowly along the road and back again.  I felt it did me some good.  The evening passed in a blur before I took some heavy duty painkillers and went to bed.

I spotted this chap (or lady) walking down a neighbour's drive before turning into the next drive.  It seemed a little early in the day for  a hedgehog
 to be wandering about.

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