Photo difficulties

My phone camera is still playing tricks on me, refusing to send images to my computer at all or sending them hours late.  That's what happened again today, but at least I have this photo, which though taken yesterday arrived today, to use for today's blip.

Today was one of those doing errands days - getting air in a low tire, sending something back to Amazon, returning library books. With the kitchen so clean and uncluttered, I've gotten started on actually cooking something for tomorrow's dinner.

I spent some time reviewing my past blips to see if I could find something that could be used as a writing sample for that job application.  I'm considering using the blip about my mother that I posted on November 4, 2016.   If you have time to take a look at it, I'd appreciate your thoughts on whether it would be appropriate to use, because it is so personal.

We had only light rain today, a relief considering the heavy rain and lightning strikes we've seen in the last couple of days.  I do think that Autumn is really here, going by the forecast.  I like the cooler temperatures, but that rain...

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