Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

MM: Pastime

Cycling is a popular pastime.  But it's not one of mine.  

For my First Communion at age 7, my parents gave me my first two-wheeler.  I loved that bike.  It was a 20-inch blue Schwinn with streamers coming out of the handles.  I rode that bike until I was 13, even though by then it was way too small for me.  My parents thought that I should have one of those new 3-speed bicycles with hand brakes.  Getting on and riding it wasn't too difficult...until  I needed to slow down as I was riding downhill. My first reaction was to use my brake pedals. But NO! No brake pedals on this new-fangled beauty. I panicked and squeezed the hand brakes - really hard.  The bike stopped in its tracks.  I flew over the handlebars performing a not very graceful header and body slam slide across the asphalt. My mom was picking junk out of me for days. I haven't gotten on anything other than a stationary exercise bicycle since.

Thanks to nickimags for hosting mono Monday this month and for helping dredge up that lovely memory...which may prove to some that I've always been a klutz.  (Very difficult to believe I was ever any kind of successful athlete!! )

Made catering arrangements for the reception in the church hall after the memorial mass today. I also finally notified the bank. Tuesday is going to be an unpleasant day in the ongoing saga of taking care of things related to my mother's death. 

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