Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Wild Card at the TPG

Back blipping again - running to stay on the spot this week!

Today consisted of:
1) Hair cut
2) Grocery shop at Aldi
3) Home for lunch
4) Dental check (all OK)
5) Tynedale Photo Group

My three outings were all to Corbridge (then a detour to Hexham for food).

At the photo group we had a new sort of evening called Wild Card. A few of us showed panels of work and we could do anything we wanted to. Most people were incredibly inventive about the Wild Card theme. 

Henry wowed us all with his panel. Each image was based on a different processing technique inspired by a different artist, but using images taken in the UK as the basis. It was stunning.

Keith showed photos of a swimming squad at work and three of sailing boats.

Michael had been people-watching at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition.

Leo had images all taken in one hour in a city (escapes me for now) with a brilliant mono technique applied.

Sarah has a cabinet full of curiosities. She photographed six (skulls, insects and more) and processed them to look like a museum display). Incredible.

Adelle had been to Helsinki and had six buildings all within a stone's throw of each other.

I wish I could show you them all.

Mine are from Forgotten Lands which I photographed earlier this year. I decided that I could not show a selection of everything that happened in 6 images, so concentrated on the dreich conditions and the performers. I wanted to look at how dark I could make them and be effective. The man with the beer glass does have a catchlight in his eye, but you may not see it!

Had to go to bed after all that! 

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