Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Through the window

Big accomplishment for the day - getting downstairs, on my butt, one step at a time.  And using a walker!  The walker is much easier than the crutches as it is more stable, and feels safer.  I still have to do an awkward one-legged hop so getting across the room takes time and a fair amount of energy.  But it is progress.

Hubs, SIL and I had a late lunch in the kitchen where I was able to watch the comings and goings at the feeders.  I ended up scooting my chair over to the window and shooting a few images through the glass.  Not exactly the sharpest image, but I like it well enough and it's the best I can do today.  This is the young male cardinal from the last brood of the season.  You can see that his bill is almost all orange now (it's black when they first fledge) and he's slowly getting more and more bright red feathers.  

There are still chipmunks hoovering up seeds and dried corn on the patio (SIL is keeping the feeders stocked).  I think this may be the latest I've seen them.

I had a pretty good night and slept well until Phoebe decided that throwing up next to us on the bed was a good idea.  And of course, being a cat, she immediately ran to her food bowl and ate more kibbles.  

For some reason, my right leg got very swollen over night, looking a lot like an overstuffed kielbasa.  I took the dressing off the knee and made sure that it wasn't infected (it wasn't) and changed the dressing.  I reapplied everything a bit looser thinking that maybe the dressing and cut off circulation.  Still not sure what that was about, but my leg and foot are looking more like my own now.  

Thank you all so much for your kind comments and concern.  This certainly isn't much fun and I don't recommend it, but is what it is.  Hopefully I will be able to snag an ortho appointment early in the week.



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