Busy day today.  Have now got G's room ready for his visit and completed other household chores.  I've also managed to delete a lot more photo files, some RAW files I'd even managed to duplicate somehow - no wonder the memory was getting full.  I've managed to save a great amount of space and I've still more to go.  Note to self:  Be more selective in what you take and what you save and ALWAYS delete blurry photos and ones you've rejected.

Popped out the front to see what I could find blip - and found these sedum's still looking quite pretty and colourful (leastwise I think that's what they are??).  The ones out the back are just stalks now but I didn't even know we had any out the front, there's only two or three but I thought a nice splash of red for all the greyness around at the moment.

Hope you are all well.  Thank you so much for continuing to drop by it is very much appreciated and lovely to hear from you all.  Take care and see you all tomorrow.

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