Cambs CC Pensions Annual Reunion

I had a good nights sleep at Karen’s, so thank you Lily for lending me your bed. I woke before 8 and made a cup of tea. Neil and I chatted about collections, mainly his extensive and valuable collection of Cambridge City Football club programs. Being a collector, (but not of football programs - yet!) I was interested to see the differences in size, format etc. Neil’s oldest one is from 1921 I think. It is an impressive collection, but not as impressive as Neil’s knowledge on the subject.

Karen and I got ourselves ready for our get together, and Joanne arrived for elevensies. We had coffee and cakes, and then headed to the Sir Isaac Newton in Cambridge (previously our works ‘local’ being right next to Shire Hall). There we met up with Clive, Ian and ladies from ex payroll teams. Later joined by Lorraine, Polly, Terry, Barry, Ed, Claire and James. Shame that a few couldn’t make it, but good to catch up with this crowd. So from 1pm until 7pm we chatted non stop, drank and ate a bit, and generally reminisced.

The chat between Karen and I has continued until now (past midnight), when we decided we had to retire to bed as Karen is working a night shift Sunday so won’t be sleeping again until Monday. I will head home in the morning as soon as I’m awake, so hopefully that won’t be too late!

Another good day, and all agreed to meet up again, same time same place next year!

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