Christmas Spirit

Every year I Blip this bauble- you have all seen it several times before and the more seasoned of you know exactly which one of my brood gave it to me in the first place.

I continue to blip it because every year when I pull out the tree decorations it makes me smile, partly because of the irreverence, but also because it incorporates some of my baser sentiments.

I found the energy to put some of the tree decorations on to the tree, but only some. Quite a lot remain in their box. It will mean less work when I dissemble the whole shebang at New Year.

I also found the incentive to buy marzipan for the Christmas cake which lies in a brandy induced stupor in the cupboard.
I also bought a bottle of my favourite tipple-Bailey’s Irish whisky, or at least Tesco’s version of it which is so much cheaper but tastes more or less the same.

The cupboard is now groaning with chocolates and alcohol, but as my body is a temple until the Christmas blow out, I shall have to try and beat temptation.

In other matters pertaining, two more of my beanies were bought this afternoon by one of my book group, which is good news for me and for Maggie’s. We’re getting there slowly but surely. Thank you Anne!

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