I’ll Stan by you

In the morning I rebooted my Duolingo language learning app, which when I have time I always enjoy. It taught me critical phrases such as ‘I like your knees’ that I shan’t have much opportunity to use unless I want to act extremely creepily.

I haven’t really socialised ‘properly’ for a while. So it was with gratitude that I accepted an invitation to join Maputo friends Steph and Raphael who were hosting a pre-Christmas get together at their lovely home (not pictured, although these apartments in downtown are fascinating). It was an entertaining afternoon and evening with much lager and tarte tatin consumed. The group was an assortment of nationalities from Mozambican to Moldovan. A couple from Kazakhstan was very friendly, and were excited by my previous travels to Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan (whilst grilling me as to why I’d chosen them over Kazakhstan). Hopefully some new pals for the New Year.

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