Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

(Nearly) Old Year's Night

Every year, for the past 15, there has been an Old Year's Night celebration in Wall Village Hall on December 30th.

I saw it advertised and Julie and I went along. One of the entertainers was her friend, Alistair Anderson, who is a superb player of the concertina and Northumbrian pipes.

My day did not go to plan. We were invited to take  food for a shared supper. I decided to cook a chocolate pavlova from Lady MacDonald of Skye's recipe. I've done it lots of time in the past, but not in my new oven.

It was a disaster. It did not cook in the time stated nor when I left it in for a lot longer. 

I had to go out for a haircut. Corbridge was very busy and it was hard to find a parking place. I parked in "the suburbs" and walked in, to be told that my appointment was 11.45 not 1.45 as I had written in my diary. I'm not going to argue, but I wrote it down when it was made! Emma could not do my hair today.

The day was not going well.........

Back at home I made cinnamon pavlovas using Nigel Slater's recipe. Again they did not cook in the time, but I managed to finish them off with a higher temperature. They looked amazing and tasted pretty good. They were topped with raspberries and melted chocolate.

The food at the "do" was tremendous, as shared suppers usually are. There was a good balance between savoury and sweet and we feasted in good company. We were lucky to be sitting next to Sam Gillespie (of The Brothers Gillespie) and his partner, Siannie Moodie, who plays clarsach. See them in the extra.

My main image is the amazing Katie Doherty, who sang solo and accompanied herself on keyboard. She usually sings as Katie Doherty and the Navigators.

Julie stayed over which always makes for a relaxed end to the evening.

We were very late home so I am back blipping.

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