
I enjoyed a much needed lie in today, before heading out for a walk, while the others went to church.  I did my usual circuit by Easby Abbey.  It was a lovely morning and not nearly as busy as the last time I walked that way during the Christmas holidays.  I got back just as the rain started, so good timing on my part.  That seemed like a good excuse to snuggle up in a chair and  finish my book.  It had been leant to me by a friend, and I probably wouldn’t have chosen to read it, but once I had started it, I was determined to finish it.

Later we went to a local pub for a Sunday lunch.  Wonderful food and lots of it.  We all really enjoyed it, only leaving the celeriac, which none of us are particularly fond of.  The only down side is that we were at a table near the door – so we got a chill every time it was opened.

TT wanted to walk his lunch off, so I joined him for another river walk.  Thankfully the rain had gone off and it had brightened up again.  When we got home BB was playing the piano and Grandma had made scones.  What a treat.

All too soon, we were packing our bags and heading home.  It was lovely to see Grandma who is bearing up remarkably well.

This hairy beast was enjoying breakfast when I walked by. I am having trouble uploading an extra – the sign outside the pub where he had lunch.  It listed beer, pies and whisky.  TT declared he might never leave.


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