Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


This has rapidly become one of my favorite scenes to photograph.  This decrepit old garage sits all by itself in the middle of a farm field, big sections of roof missing, doors permanently open.  One wonders...why?  But every time I drive by, it draws my eye and I am determined to photograph it in all seasons and from as many different angles as possible before it ceases to stand.  

Thanks to Marlieske for keeping the Derelict Sunday challenge going.  Do be sure to check the DS tag below to see all of this week's derelict entries.

Snow flurries this morning and now the sun is out.  After a rough start, we seem to be having a mild winter so far.  Can't say the same for the UK and much of Europe with the dreadful Storm Ciara.  For all of you in this storm's path, please stay safe!  And the same goes for my friends in Oz with all the terrible flooding in NSW.  

It is hard for me to understand how people can still shrug or disbelieve in climate change.  Did anyone see the news this week that Antarctica registered an all time record high of 65 F?  And one doesn't have to look for other bellwethers.  When, I wonder, will governments get serious about this?

Ended this week with five days at the gym plus one two-mile hike in the park.  Feeling good.


Fitness Notes - 3 miles on the elliptical followed by 2 miles on treadmill with elevation as high as 3%, a post-fracture record.  Achieved my weekly goal of five days plus one bonus day.

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