
By KatesGardenPDX

A Drippy Blip Kind of Day

Rain as promised! I am not going to complain - we've had a heck of a nice run of spring weather. Normally this rain IS the March weather! 

Catching up on a bunch of stuff at my desk after a BellyFit class (you ever heard of that? It's a fabulous workout! BellyFit) and trying to build myself a website for my photography work.

I'm off to another botanical garden meeting this afternoon, followed by the Hardy Plant Society of Oregon's "Plant Nerd Night". I haven't been to one, so I'll let you know how it goes. There will be six local nurseries there and a slide show and of course a lot of plant nerds. Hopefully no one amongst the 400 or so attendees will have even a hint of a cough....

But I had the time to put on my raincoat and venture out to the garden. I thought I'd shared the last of the crocus shots, just to discover that apparently I'd planted a very late blooming variety in my new garden last fall. So that's today's blip.

The extra is of the charmingly fuzzy pet-like Pusatilla vulgaris - Pasque Flower (post from 20 February) looking somewhat subdued in the rain today. 

Have a marvelous Friday evening!

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