16032020 3rd Corona isolation day

It's been another interesting day here at isolation land.

I had to go this morning to get my blood taken to the Borreliosis test. They didn't take enough last time, so I needed to donate some more.

As you know we are not allowed to go outside except for listed reasons. Doctor's appointment is naturally a valid one. I was outside looking for our car (didn't know where my husband had parked it) and the police drive next to me and ask me what I'm doing at the streets. I told them what and also that I can't find my car. They asked me what kind of car, but then I said that I better call my husband and ask where he had parked it. (As we are not allowed to drive together anymore if it can be avoided.)

So I got to the clinic and told them about the police and they wrote me note and stamped it for my return. :-D

Then I drove to E & R's place as their plan to catch the last Finnair flight from Spain to Finland was changed to drive to Barcelona and leave today. So I got the last of their groceries and some more flowery plants for me to take care of while they are in Finland.

Yesterday we got 3 big bags of groceries. Our fridge and freezer are absolutely stuffed. Today we got 5 more! Luckily I have the keys to our Danish neighbors house and asked them if I could use their fridge and freezer to store this food we got. Luckily they said yes. So now we have two fridges full of food. I already gave some to Jennifer. And if the dates get closer for using them I'll donate some more if anyone needs. So far people do have food.

I just hope they make their flight. They take a risk with the travel, so lets hope it's not for nothing.

H & A borrowed us some puzzles. Or borrowed to me. I'm the one who's been occupied ever since with a puzzle until the sun went down.

In Finland they are finally making decision. 70+ are to keep themselves isolated and reduce the risk of catching the virus for a month at least. Schools will be closed. Borders will be closed. Good. Finally. The whole Europe needs to take this seriously.

In Spain we have now 9300 cases with 334 deaths. Over 3000 people are hospitalized. The news is that the isolation have worked and the cases increase slower. That's what we need. The word is that already the isolation will be extended with 2 weeks. So at the moment we are looking at 4 weeks of this. If that will be enough. We'll see. Totally up to people and how they behave.

I haven't been good today even if I've been taking it very easy. My blood pressure has been in number that I have never seen outside hospital. I consulted Margaret if I should double my blood pressure meds and she agreed. So I'll double it for 2 days and follow up. It could be due to the strong antibiotics I'm taking in case of the possible Borreliosis. Or I have some kind of bug which makes my body be on overdrive. I might even have the famous virus, but with the weaker strain. Who knows?

Live to see another day I hope.

Ps, No idea what this flower is. It's R's most cherished flower and now I hope I can keep it alive. It is absolutely beautiful.

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