The Balmoral

Another day in the office.  I was a little busier today, but it was tedious soul destroying work. I am almost looking forward to going back to my day job at the kitchen table tomorrow.  I have very much appreciated the opportunity to get out of the house, and to have social interaction though.  The only time I left my desk was for a quick walk around the building to stretch my legs for ten minutes.  It felt very odd.  I walked past our area, but didn’t even stop at my desk.

When I left, I took the opportunity to pop to a nearby Sainsbury’s in my continued search for flour – and hurrah, I got the last bag on the shelf,  I also picked up a few bits and pieces that were very much reduced and came home and stuck them in the freezer.

BB survived another day of home school and TT worked late at his new desk upstairs in the spare bedroom.  I went out for my daily exercise.  It was another lovely day and I enjoyed the sunshine, and thankfully there were no unexpected rain showers today.  I came home and made fajitas for tea, then TT went out for his mandated exercise and came home with toilet roll.  My hero!!

Sallymair mentioned yesterday that the Balmoral  Hotel was boarded up – and here it is.  It’s a sad sight, though the flowers outside are looking wonderful and the flags are still flying.

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