
It has been a long day.  I was at my desk by 08:30 and didn’t log off until almost 8pm – but I am on holiday now, so that is good.  It’s always the same before you finish for annual leave.  Things have to be finished off and a couple of big things came in that had to be dealt with.  A colleague will take one forward next week and I will have to log on momentarily tomorrow just to read through a report I drafted today before I send it round for comment.  I was running out of steam by the time I logged off, and decided I should read it with a fresh eye in the morning.

It has been very grey today, not like the last few days when I have been looking out at blue skies.  Lunch was late and was hastily cobbled together as provisions are getting low.  Then I forgot to phone into a conference call!  Luckily someone messaged me to find out where I was, but I missed the first fifteen minutes!

Tea was even more cobbled together than lunch.  I found a sorry looking aubergine and some tomatoes slightly past their best in the bottom of the fridge which we roasted and turned into a very tasty pasta sauce. 

BB and I then tackled the remaining bit of jigsaw.  It was a bit of trial and error though to see what fitted where – but it’s done.  There is one piece missing, but a good jigsaw from a school jumble sale.  Time for the next one.   I then had to go out for a few bits of shopping and some exercise and fresh air.  It was a lovely evening, and I just managed 10,000 steps.  It’s been a real struggle this week.  Home working is even more sedentary than office working.

Here’s a lovely tulip from my garden.  The extras are our letter from Boris which arrived today and the boys clapping for emergency workers at 8pm.

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