
Over to Meg today - I nearly didn't go. On the way I almost turned round and went home a few times, even after arriving at the village. It would only be kicking the can down the road though - I'd have to deal with it sometime. 

I showed my Dad the photos I'd taken of the bite and said I'd been dreading going back. I also explained that I'd been told when I had the bug that landed me in hospital a few years ago that I should be careful with the skin on my legs and feet, or I could have a recurrence. He agreed that Ally should be shut in the bedroom.

I thought Ally may bark or be destructive in there, but he was fine and just slept on the bed until just before I was due to come home. He came out for the last few minutes and was OK.

I did some shopping for them and some general tidying etc. Jae was on time today fortunately!

My photo was taken in the station this morning. The train was there, and the external doors were open, but not the internal ones so the three of us catching it had to wait on the platform. Annoying as I wanted to read my book while I waited...

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