I was late going to bed last night and then late getting up, but of course, there isn’t much to rush around for at the moment and today I am feeling a little “blue” but that’s OK and I know that this feeling will pass eventually.

I have learned to “go with the flow” and have told Mr. HCB I don’t need “cheering up” - I just need to be allowed to feel as I do.  I’m not depressed - just a little sad and I don’t really know why.  The sun is shining, it’s warm, we have a lovely home and garden and plenty of good food - but we are not seeing our family or friends and I guess that makes me feel sad and cut off - in fact, I think I've got "lockdown loneliness"!

However, there’s always 4 p.m. to look forward to - our afternoon tea party with our friends and neighbours from next door, which has now become a regular occurrence.  Today two other friends are collecting some scones for us from Three Trees, a local farm shop, so we will have a proper afternoon tea with scones and jam.  Perhaps I should get out the best china too - after all, what are we saving it for?

Rather than sit around moping, I decided to go out into the garden, first of all to take some photographs and then I did some work on a couple of clematis plants and a climbing rose bush that was getting a little out of hand.

I saw this little acer swaying in the breeze and decided that I liked the look of it against our blue fence.  Made me think that we are “swayed about” by all that’s happening to us and around us at the moment, but as I said above, we just need to “go with the flow” and then hopefully, we will come out the other side and we will have learned a lot, not just about how we live, but about ourselves too, and as my lovely friend, Ann, who died over twenty years ago, always used to say, "This, too, shall pass."  

“Some days are just bad days,
     that’s all.
You have to experience sadness
     to know happiness,
          and I remind myself
that not every day is going to be
     a good day,
          that’s just the way it is!”
Dita Von Teese

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