
Brilliant blue sky at 7 am. Overcast and gloomy by midday.

Packed up George's birthday present and printed out the prepaid label while Len went shopping. He found a rosemary plant which he has planted in the 'herb patch.'

On the way round to the post box I stopped at the lady round the corner who has a lovely wisteria plant. She readily agreed to let me have a frond to photograph. Bless her.

Baz and I walked round the block to the post box, meeting and chatting with Ann and then Joan and Peter on the way. Baz was patient. But when we got to the green at the top of the estate he chose to take his time and sniff out every smell going.

I'd tweeted to Gareth that I couldn't upload anymore videos for the home chorus because I've lost my voice, thanks to hay fever. Guess what, now that I learn we're going to be doing Vivaldi's Gloria this week, the voice has returned.

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