Capital adventures

By marchmont


After yesterday's indolence I was out bright and early (for me) for my SRE: across the Park, along Stanedykehead, right down past the golf course with amazing views across to sunny E Lothian - Bass Rock, Berwick Law, the Hopetoun Monument and Traprain Law - then on the way back along Braid Hills Road a field with goats and alpaca/llamas (?). Home for breakfast and a quick hoover of the carpets before College meetings.  However, my PC had decided to delete Zoom and there followed a very hectic quarter of an hour as I tried to reintall on the PC and at the same time do an emergency instal on the phone and of course in the middle the landline rang.  Lockdown stress. 

After the meetings I cut the grass for some outdoor relief (cloudy by now and threatening rain) before another Zoom related phone call (Community Council this time) and then a long, and very enjoyable, WhatsApp call to #2 son in KL.  He's able to go out more but is still bored.  Then before I knew it it was time for Wine o'Clock.  The usual hectic two hours followed with a G&T for accompaniment.  It was good to speak to folk but I am very conscious I am the only singleton. It's very obvious on Zoom.

Caught up with C when he got back from work.  He always looks so exhausted after cycling up the hill. And finally a sit down to watch Gardeners World and HIGNFY.

Today's problem is that I can't find my hairdryer which I now need not having had a haircut for 3 and a half months instead of the normal 6 weeks.  I think I may have lent it to someone, but who??

29 days gone, 13 to go.  I'm fed up now but even more fed up that the lockdown really makes no difference to me. Life will be like this even after it's lifted. 

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