Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

MM results

I haven't been out anywhere because all of the activity has been around the house today.  A very nice gentleman came to do some landscaping for me at what seemed like the crack of dawn (I'm not a go to bed by 8pm, get up by 5 am type like much of the town).  I really liked him.  His name was Carlos.  He brought one of his five children with him. I know he is undocumented but everyone has to earn a living.

That was supposed to be followed by an online chat among the 7 people in our precinct but poor Judy couldn't figure out the technology.  She was able to get three people on then three more (including me) but that was two hours later. 
I was hoping to go out to grab some lunch but it was then time for my online therapy chat. 

Finished with that then managed to get this shot of a small (< 2inches) Golden torch cactus flower.  There are more coming as you can see one of the emerging buds...probably 2-3 days away.  Thanks to Trish for the tiny Tuesday theme into which I accidentally fell.

I hope everyone received a star, comment or both from me on your mono Monday blip.  Those posted a little later are plopped somewhere in the middle of the rest and are often difficult to find.  This is the quickest turn around ever from blips to results for me. Amazing thins can happen if you don't turn on the telly all day  :-)

The entries this week were truly amazing. I found these blips to be incredibly special. This week hearts go to


The following blips were special in their own unique way, too. So honorable mentions are awarded to:

Thanks to all for participating.  A reminder that next Monday will be MM334 and the theme is HECTIC.  Check out some synonyms in the online thesaurus.  I'm looking forward to your creative and crazy blips!

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