
Furlough Day 58 11.06.20

occasional hint 
of blue in the skies above 
during a damp day

More packing - my books seem to take forever!

A little trip to the local Cats Protection to take some unwanted food (Charlie hates the fish flavoured sachets and I'd accidentally bought two boxes of the wrong sort of food) to them and then to the food bank to give away some tins and other goods that were packed and in date, but I hadn't used them.  

This evening friends G and C came over again to remove the cooker and help me get the sofa out ready for the 'booked and paid for' Council pick up tomorrow - they'd better come after all that!

No news at all regarding the Exchange of Contracts, except a message from my estate agent as I was driving when she called - to say they are chasing my buyer and his funds!!  I hope and pray there is better news tomorrow.  

Meantime I keep packing up!  When we have exchanged I need to change all the details of my address etc for everything!!

Tired tonight and need to get to bed now as I'll be up early to take Charlie to the vet tomorrow (if I can catch her)!

Happy Thursday folks :)

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