The new Snakes and Ladders

Lifts and Stairs, the sequel to that marvellous party game. Roll the dice, move forward, move back, take the stairs, use the lift... the clock is ticking.

It's all hurry up and wait. In the hospital, Janet is doing well waiting while her kidney drains down so that the clever folk can sort out the errant plumbing. At home, I'm too late realising the benefits of an early morning slot for the online shopping delivery, and waiting waiting waiting... In fairness I probably have the easier job.

The game has additional bonus fun too... Hold the handrail? Press the lift button? Do you feel lucky? Apparently there is only one covid patient at the hospital right now, or is that what they tell everyone? At least the car park is fairly empty...

Yes, you're right, I'm going nuts home all alone...

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