
This is one of the pots I replanted in April. I put in six trailing geraniums, which did a lot of growing and not a lot of flowering for months, two violas and a couple of other things, all of which have  been swamped, apart from one viola that has done amazingly well, by the geraniums, which eventually flowered. I'm not sure the other plants are even still alive under there.... Hey ho. It was a lot of guess work, but it's been fun.

Went to the supermarket first thing, when it was still raining a bit. This was after having to get up in the middle of the night as the building fire alarm went off. A malfunctioning sensor in another stair apparently. The fire brigade took an age to arrive. Very few people ventured downstairs, as it was raining even then. I sat in the living room listening out for things to happen, whilst Mr A stayed in bed. Philosophical, perhaps, or just lazy.... Of course, it also took a further age to get back to sleep when I eventually did get back to bed.

Later on we made some lemon sorbet, with some surplus lemons, which was fun (and it was delicious - we had it after dinner tonight with raspberries). And I popped out later on to try and run around the park again, but I didn't feel up to it today, so it didn't happen. Dinner was, apart from the sorbet, a lovely warm salad with tuscan sausage, samphire, green beans and various other goodies.

It's been a restful, Saturday sort of day.

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