Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Travels with my Camera

I was invited to speak at the WI in Newbrough tonight. The title of my talk was "Travels with my Camera - to Kerala". Here are the ladies after the talk is over. They seemed to enjoy it and we had plenty of laughs. A few talked to me about how to use their small digital cameras and I encouraged them to take more photos.

They were a lovely group of folk. Their WI is nearly 90 years old and they are planning celebrations.

This is the second WI talk I've given and I have to wonder why they cling on to singing Jerusalem, especially when it is unaccompanied. That would be a challenge for many a regular choir. We had a good crack at it but it started too low and ended very low.

Afterwards I told them that I wanted to take a photo of the whole group. They were slightly dubious until I told them I'd taken a photo of the Haltwhistle group when I spoke there. Apart from jockeying for the back row, they were quite keen. I've used 4 images to have as many smiling at the same time as possible!

Photo class this morning. Saw some very interesting images. We are encouraged to find our own style but I feel I'm a long way off that yet. Just happy to try out lots of things and see which direction this takes me in. Watch this space??

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