Please indulge me

I got a bit fed up with my computer again today. Lightroom isn't picking up the colourcheckr preset and I am out of aces.No idea how to fix it. :(

So, instead of getting grumpy, like I did yesterday, I chose to go outside with my macro lens. Little Miss came out with my old 50D and trusty 60mm macro to do some photography too. It was warm and pleasant out there, so we enjoyed a good half an hour or so of photography together.

She's posted a shot for the first time in forever! Great to have her on board. :). Check out her shots.

I have been doing some training with Abe today; taking him for two walks and playing with him in the garden. He's a bright boy and is picking up on the training tips nicely. I just need MrB and Little Miss to do some work with him too; otherwise he just listens to me and ignores them.

This afternoon, we discovered that we are no in stage four lockdown, which sucks a bit. I have to go to school tomorrow to pick up my stuff and then I'll be remote-schooling for the rest of the term. Little Miss is happy, as she's been doing it on her own for the past three weeks.

If anyone out there is a Lightroom/Colourcheckr expert, I'd love to hear from you!!!


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