Blood Red

Not sure we had one with this colour last year, but I find it amazing, nonetheless.

A HOT day, emphasis on 'hot'.  AW tried to fix the new cord for the rolling window shutter but did not want to strain his back.  Tried to assist, and did, but it just wouldn't go, and in the heat, it was best to keep the shutter down anyway.

Week 1 of the second MOOC, on European Empires 1400-1522, another very interesting one.  It's good to see familiar material being reviewed in broad lines.  Enjoyed myself immensely.

We also had a good short talk.  I clarified that even though I'm not talking about the case, it doesn't mean it's not on my mind.  That it's also challenging to be patient, made more so due to the current circumstances of being rather limited in one's options due to COVID-19 (although hopping across the border now and then has been a huge relief) as well as due to my being unemployed.  He said it doesn't matter, if any one of us feels some discomfort, best to talk about it and let the other know so that we can stand on the same line again.  I agree with that one.  In our case, a shared burden is best.  That said, I'm still aware that if I'm upset about one thing, it doesn't mean he'll not get out of balance just because he 'knows and understands'.  But okay, enough of this, we've got one more thing sorted out, and that's fine.

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