Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

It's beyond nice to have the bus running as normal again, and being able to choose if I want to walk home or not. It's been really humid today, but thankfully the sun hasn't shone all the time. But I was so sweaty during my work hours. Not a nice feeling! 
When I got on the bus this morning, there was another unwanted passenger there too. A wasp. I moved forward in the bus and actually contemplated if I should take the next. The trip went ok, no wasp near me but my heart was pounding and stress levels were high. 
It's been a nice rather chill day at work. Several of my coworkers are leaving next week, which feels strange... But, that's the kind of workplace this is. It's 'just' to get out in the work life again - for different reasons. 
A coworker helped me print some of the cards I'm making. While searching for a suitable paper for the printer we talked to a coworker in the administration. She thought this a great idea, since they always have to search for cards to go with flowers or plants. Somehow I need to write the adress and phone number on the cards... 
Today I felt like blipping some of our Dahlias, and a cool bumblebee. :)

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