A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

A favourite view.

Miserable wet weather this afternoon but it was a glorious morning, great for an early-ish walk with my neighbour and two other ladies. The sky as we set off looked fantastic. (Forgot my camera so it’s phone shots today.)

We headed through Cottingley Woods and by request used the middle path that Chris and I explored in the early part of the lock down. When you come out of the woods at the bottom of the path this is the view across the fields. I always like it, not sure why and have probably blipped it several times. Last time was when most fo the trees criss crossing the centre of the picture were full of May blossom.

Entering Beckfoot golf course, across the fields,  the heavy dew looked like frost on the greens leaving trails where people had pulled their golf trolleys. Up Beckfoot Lane and back to the village across Low Park. A great start to the day.

ATN singing has been reinstated on Wednesday mornings and we are singing songs from past gigs. Today it was the Harley Weekend of 2018. A good sing but there was one I barely remembered at all! Need some practice on the harmonies too some are getting a bit rusty!

Good intentions to garden after lunch but the weather put paid to that! Finished the ironing instead.

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