Had a really lovely day today.  Went out with Hubby and G.  Local people beware of the A590 between Sizergh and the M6 as it was down to one lane today due to the roadworks going on until at least December!!!

We then went through Caton Claughton and followed the River Lune.  We stopped off into the little car park at the Crook O'Lune.  The photo was taken  on the path we were hoping to walk along but didn't go far due to a dog walker.   Quite a few people around, some too busy stopping in the middle of a path to chat to people whilst some of us were patiently waiting to get past!!!  Not too bad though, the worse there was a lady there with 5 completely different dogs and she obviously didn't know how to control them as two of them started having a real fight, the barking was just over excitement I think, but it deterred us as she was going in the same direction as us.  It is a well known walk for dogs and most are absently fine, I love dogs and love meeting lots of different ones - especially Gus and Fletch of course but these 5 were a bit off-putting,

So we just sauntered around the bridges and took a few photos from two different bridges.  The cormorant in the collage in the extra was quite far away but I was so pleased to see it and put the zoom on almost full (but not quite) so it's not terribly sharp.

We then moved on, following the River Lune for a while and then veered off and went to the village of Wray and had coffee at The Bridge Farm Cafe.  A converted barn now and upstairs was empty just us so all was good.  

We then moved onto the village of Hornby (you can see Hornby Castle in the collage, but it is a private house).  

We did a walk again by the River Wenning, which was completely empty of people and whilst there I was taking photos of the weir under the bridge when I was photobombed by a Heron!!!!!  See extra, both single shot and in collage.  I was quite pleased with these shots, as again it was far away - but it's still not as sharp as I'd like to get it, but not bad.

On the way back to the car I took a photo of the little water fountain that has a carved cat with a rat in its mouth. The story goes that during the 19th century the castle was left empty for several years and became infested with rats. The owner, Mr Pudsey Dawson, brought in a large number of cats to help rid the castle of them. 

After this we then went onto The Highwayman Inn at Burrow (where I took Mum and little Sis last week).  It was busier today but they were still very good with covid and we felt quite relaxed in there.  

We enjoyed a lovely lunch and I confess that today I had TWO of their special Gin, Cranberry Juice, Elderflower bubbly and something or another cocktails - scrumptious.  The trouble is alcohol always makes me go read - under the chin first and then rising to blotches on the cheeks - lovely huh!!!  Well hubby was driving this time so I made the most of it.

After this we just came home but by the much shorter route of joining the A65 at Kirkby Lonsdale.  The A590 going from the M6 to Sizergh was OK that way but there were quite long tail backs on the other side of the road, so will be avoiding that road now until next year!!!!

Do take everyone, Apparently we are not allowed to mingle in groups of more than 6 from Monday onwards - well to be honest the biggest group I've been in is 5 and that is rare as I still didn't think we were supposed to congregate in large groups anyway - obviously I got that wrong!!!!

Do take care out there, stay safe and see you all tomorrow.

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