Remember Yarn Bombing?

There has been a movement afoot for some time to build a parking garage on the site of our weekly downtown Farmers’ Market. The plans have been combined with a new library, and more recently with so-called affordable housing, in order to make it more palatable. Not surprisingly, the project has met with various forms of resistance. Lately a group of protestors has chalked their messages on the blacktop, and tied posters to the trees, which may or may not be in danger. I like the hand-knit love belt. 

And, yes, that is a blue sunny clear sky in the background!!  Back to wearing merely Covid masks, not needing N95s. What a world we’ve got. 

Five of us knitters met in person at one house this morning, chairs six feet apart. Until I got there, however, no one was wearing masks; they put them on for me. It made me feel uneasy to be the one requesting this, but I don’t feel comfortable otherwise. They were accommodating, but often let their masks slip. I left early, when they brought out the food, so they could resume their ease. It was nice to see real people. 

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