Capital adventures

By marchmont

From the top deck

Sunday so starting with a swim.  It was lovely and quiet.  It was also very cold.  There was frost on the car but the sun shine most of the day till the haze came over later afternoon.

Did the laundry, planted some of my bedding plants, accompanied by the friendly fox who was quite interested in what I was doing but more interested in enjoying the sunshine. 

Organised a meet up with A and N for Thursday night and spoke to J, sitting in a very cold and wet S France.  For once we are warmer.

Then got dressed up to meet #3 son and #1 gf for his birthday steak at Kyloe.  Dress, heels, tights!!  The post sunset glow was still in the west as we drove down North Bridge and there was an impromptu traditional music concert going on at the top of Waverley Bridge. Once in the restaurant the company and chat was good - the meal was mediocre which was not good given the price.  It was also nigh impossible to hear the waitress as she rattled off the specials etc competing with the background noise and the mask.  

It was cold when we left, just before the new witching hour of 10.  I am so old I remember the original 10 o'clock closing. Two buses home with a side trip to Sainsbury's for tea.

Straight to bed, a good day. 

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