Railway Walk

BB headed off to rugby training and TT headed off to help at church.  I did some chores and baked some chocolate chip muffins, which disappeared quickly when they returned.  The morning brightened up which was good, but BB still returned home covered in mud from top to toe.  Once the washing machine was on again, TT and I popped out for some shopping.
After lunch TT and I went out for a walk, heading out along the railway path and back by the quiet roads – it was a lovely afternoon and very autumnal.  My knee was aching.  Not sure if it was because I had to walk faster than usual to keep up with TT or if it was because the walk was too long.  It will be fine, it just needs to settle down again.
BB had requested fish and chips for tea  - which was a treat for all of us and an easy tea. 
We then did a bit of furniture moving and relieved the living room of the old sofa which we are keeping for the time being.  It is now in the other room and BB has already claimed ownership of it.  This might keep him, his mud and his crumbs off the new one!
TT and I then settled down on the new sofa with a gin and tonic and watched the final two episodes of Spin.
This is a view along the railway path.

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