Upstairs Downstairs

This was the sight that greeted us as we walked past the lake in Vinters Park nature area this morning on route to Notcuts to get broad beans, onion sets and garlic for planting out to over winter at the allotment. Susan also went to Edinburgh Woollen Mill to purchase jumpers and a cardigan for her mum. They did go there at the end of last week but for whatever reason Doreen decided not to buy anything then later, when she found out that they may be closing asked Susan if she would indeed get them!
That's about it, there are a myriad of things to do, such as dealing with a box of apples that are not good enough to keep and preparing onions for the annual picking session. I have managed to set up a solar security light and a LED light strip for the fridge. Still the dinner to cook.
Watch out Alfred Hitchcock.

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