Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Gladiolus murielae

Or is it Acidanthera murielae?  Whatever the name, it has surprised us by flowering.

We bought a pot of these 2 years ago.  After they had finished flowering, we split them into 2 pots, and protected them through the winter.  They grew leaves, but did not flower last year.

We took them in again for the winter, having decided to give them another chance.  Once again, they produced leaves, but showed no sign of flowering.  Just before going off for our wee northern break, we took in to the polytunnel all the potentially tender plants - fuchsias, pelargoniums, and these.  Just in case of an unseasonably early frost.

On our return, we found that this gladiolus has produced a number of flower spikes.  What do we do now - move it up to the patio so we can enjoy it, but where it may be a little cold?  Or leave it to enjoy the warmer temperature in the polytunnel?

I think the answer is that it was not given enough TLC or protection in the site we gave it, on some hard standing in the middle of the garden.  After the hot dry spring, we have had an unusually wet and windy, and not very warm, summer.  It just didn't get the temperatures it needed.  Next year, we'll treat it to a place on the patio, and hope that the extra protection from wind will help it to flower a little earlier.

It was my 65th birthday today.  I spent part of it dealing with the large pile of ironing from yesterday's mammoth washing session.  And this evening I had a flu jab.  I'm now sleepy - having reached retirement age (though I won't get my state pension till next year) I can legitimately slope off to bed early!

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