The Return of the Sun...

...was very welcome after days of rain. There was also quite a hard frost meaning the wet ground was mostly frozen so we decided to walk across the fields, over the stream, and up the beaver stream.  Our plan went wrong when we got to the stream which was roaring down the valley. The crossing point involves stepping from the bank to a large stone in the middle of the stream and the stream was so high that step had turned into something of a leap. We decided against the jump and carried on up the stream without crossing, which left us sandwiched between this barley crop and the stream.
This wasn't much fun so we cut across the field at it's narrowest point and headed home. We weren't the first to cut across just there, so the crop was already fairly trampled by elk, red deer and roe deer. A flock of jays were feasting happily  on the flattened barley.
In the evening we followed the link from Kendall's blip, to Donna Hayes'  "Silent Voices",  which Kendall and so many others worked so hard to get into the world. Learn more about the project and who was involved from this article.  It's a powerful production and lets the dead tell their stories, tell us about who they were.
It left us very quiet, the fact that similar killings can happen again and again and again, without consequences for those doing, and allowing, the killings. Let's hope for better times!

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