Space for the compost heap and shed

My garden helpers worked hard today to mark out the space for the new compost containers and the shed. The earth that they removed from this space has contributed well to the lawn levelling, and I am pleased to say that the pit is no more. Indeed, it now looks like we won't even need to order any top soil.

Also today Liz and Tony called in for mid-morning coffee and scones in our yarden after their walk around the park and a viewing of the otter in Dunsapie Loch. Later in the day the yarden was the venue for a beer and maths chat for Mr hazelh and Jon.

I was obliged to do some work today (gnash), but at least I feel less panicked about my workload than I was at the end of last week.

Oh, and after dinner I slaughtered Mr hazelh at Carcassonne - nothing to do with the beer that he consumed with Jon earlier, of course...

Exercise today: gardening.

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