Capital adventures

By marchmont


I am afraid I can't compete with the FM who has many more books than me and all very well organised.  Nor can I compete with my friend in France FC who sadly finds that all her shelved books are in her home while she is in hospital.

I actually have very few books and I've never had a lot.  I used to read a lot.  I got my first library ticket at Leith Library when I was 5. Growing up in Colinton I could visit the library twice a day on a Saturday, devouring the books in between.  I'd read in bed under the covers, on trains and buses.  then I stopped.  When?  Probably when I had a job that required lots of reading: Committee papers, that sometimes were also fiction. Then for a while I used audiobooks but I tend to fall asleep and also e-books.  But I can't read them in bed as the screen keeps me awake. Currently I reading a Zadie Smith, that someone left in the front bedroom.  I am enjoying it but I'm only reading it intermittently. 

One book is missing from these shelves, one of the A.A. Milne pair. #1 son 'borrowed2 it the last time he was home.  It's in the girls' bedroom now.  I planned to bring it home with me but I thought my suitcase was too heavy (well it was, but with only me in Business Class turned out Qatar weren't worried). 

There are some other books in the house, in the extra.  They are the ones #3 son left.  At some point they will be donated.

Willow is reluctant to go outside - well she doesn't, go outside.  I know she can use the catflap but she seems to prefer sitting on the windowsill looking at outside. Perhaps because it was a rotten day weatherwise.  I swam in the morning and then that was it - inside the rest of the day, apart from a brief foray to pick the remaining roses. An ACOSVO catch up in the morning and then much later the Tariquet wine delivery arrived - well I should say, deliveries.  Two boxes, ordered at the same time, from the same supplier, arrived in two separate DPD vans, 3 hours apart.

There was also some sewing and then Choir.  Some of us stayed on longer for a chat.  Ended the day watching the pro Trump conspirancy theorists in Georgia on 'Newsnight'.  Scary people. 

F2F - 4
Phone calls - 1
Virtual 2

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