Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Sunshine Glow

If I get up at the right time, this is my view from the living room. The blinds are linen and allow a wonderful glow as the sun rises. In the summer I keep them closed until at least noon, unless I have to go out there. In the winter, I want to warm the house up as much and as soon as possible so I let that morning sun in. Just before I took this photo, there were a lot of birds perched and flying around which was the silhouette I was hoping for. They must have known what I was up to. I think some Gambel's quail stayed to pick seed out of the stones.

I didn't go anywhere today other than spending time out there. I picked up groceries late yesterday afternoon. Due to buyer's error, there were two separate orders. After driving ten miles home, I immediately noticed one entire order was missing. I had to return. I left calm and happy the first time. I left angry and stressed the second.  

Covid-19 mitigation efforts have for the most part been left up to local jurisdictions. Yesterday, our county implemented a mandatory mask order with penalties in place for repeat offenders and businesses. They also went out on a ledge and put a voluntary  stay at home order and a voluntary  10pm-5am curfew in place. The city made the curfew mandatory.

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