Felbrigg, Norfolk

It is proving difficult to wake at a reasonable time, but good to be getting some proper sleep. My normal work alarm went off at 6.45 as I had neglected to turn it off. But we both fell back to sleep. Jon got up at 8.30 I think, and I dragged myself out of bed an hour later.

It was a morning of jobs. Jon did ironing, and I picked my way through the turkey carcass fishing out the bones and separating the meat. I don't enjoy that job, but I don't like to waste it. We had turkey soup for lunch and then all 5 of us donned our boots, and had a really nice walk over to Felbrigg. It was muddy, but lovely. We were pleased to be able to walk around the walled garden, which is normally £8 each to go in. It gave us a few ideas, and more jobs for Jon, for when the better weather comes!

Home after our 3 hour walk. Even though we no longer have a dog, we still walk to Felbrigg often, and enjoy it just as much each time. It is one of the best things about living where we do.

Jon lit the fire, and I made a curry with almost the last of our giant turkey. After dinner I had a nice facetime chat with Manda, where we discussed more of the plans for dads funeral. Mum has gone home today, so it will be the first time she is on her own. I will give her a ring shortly.

Now just relaxing in front of the telly. Usual Monday night quiz programmes. Jon getting very excited as he got 2 questions right in university challenge and even more than that in only connect! I haven't got any right because I have a glass of wine - which is sort of Manda's fault! So out of character for me for a Monday!

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