Thank you cards

Not made by me though, they have been designed by Mollie with a new app on her ipad, and her new Apple Pencil. The design (this is just one of them) has been created with layers. We have made 4 to an A4 sheet. The drawn out bit has been the printing, as our printer is a bit temperamental, then getting it the right way round to put it back in to print the words inside. Pleased with the result but only done 24, so need to print more tomorrow then post off to Hoddesdon.

Work has not been as cold today. Had a salad for lunch watching the much hyped first episode of ‘Bridgerton’ on Netflix. I enjoyed it and will watch it again when I have a spare hour!

I need to go to bed earlier tonight. I’m finding it really hard to get up when my alarm comes on. My book is stopping me, but I’m really keen to finish it. Once I’ve finished it I want to read up a bit more about the Ketts Rebellion and Norwich in the 16th century. It is really nice to read a book in a setting I know quite well.

Now some tv and that early night :)

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