Capital adventures

By marchmont

Yellow roses, memories

A braw morning for a walk down the hill (and back) to get results. All, fairly, well but I'll need to keep seeing the lovely JM. We mused on how difficult life was at present with nothing to look forward to.  I'm one of these people who has always had things in the diary to plan for and look forward to.  Now, nothing, time has taken on a whole new dimension. The hospital was also like a different dimension.  

Stopped in past Aldi on the way back.  Sadly, no liquorice and peppermint tea but I did get yellow roses and more daffodils.  I love having lots of daffs in the house at this time, though I do appreciate sticking to a £1 a bunch (95p in Aldi) is not good for the growers.

Spoke to #2 son who was on the verge of sleep and also Y.  She is so busy, home schooling and worrying about sick ma, ma in l and s in l. My life on the other hand is just screamingly boring. Ate the last of the Christmas cake.  That was serendipitous but it fits with the yellow roses, 43 years ago.....

I am currently focusing on the cross stitch rather than my other two tasks. I rotate round them, as I have time.  Catch up with #3 son after work (his, not mine).  #1 son is incommunicado, probably not checking his phone. 

Tonight was the SURF Awards dinner and at 5 my dinner duly arrived. Strudel, greens, dressing, pear amandine and creme fraiche.  I watched some of the event as I ate.  Unfortunately the Vimeo sound wasn't good, and Bridgend didn't win.

A bit more tv then bed. 

F2F - 3
Phone calls - 2
Virtual - 1
Recovery day 27

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