Capital adventures

By marchmont

More snowdrops

Seems one night's good sleep followed by a few back to waking up in the middle of the night.  Last night I actually sat up and read. 

Once up had a walk to the pillar box to post the thank you card, sunny but a chill wind. It was a birthday today but not one I celebrate. Managed another morning of not doing very much at all, starting tasks and not finishing them.  I did make soup and take the CNY decs down though.  Next is Easter but I don't usually do Easter decs.  Haven't been here at Easter since 2018.

I think that's why I am so surprised at how many snowdrops I have, I haven't seen them for ages.  But I'm going to split and spread them out once they have flowered, and donate some.  The other bulbs are less present.  I don't know what happens to the daffs I plant.  They disappear, I'm wondering if they rot in the wet soil, and of course I don't plant them deep enough. I know the squirrels decimate the crocuses but even then.  I will plot where the bulbs are and plant more in the autumn.

Willow had another mouse.  I suppose I should be glad it's mice not birds.  I ventured out in the afternoon and cut down the pheasant plant canes and a bit of rose pruning. Unfortunately I also nicked my pinkie with the secateurs, much gore! 

I still get so tired, even a day out takes it out of me and waking up in the middle of the night doesn't help. 

I started another task I didn't finish before a relaxing bath and  then a long Zoom with my Marxist friend L.  Meant that dinner was not as planned (by now it being nearly 9) and some more 'Dix Pour Cent' - season 4, new hairstyles and more missing subtitles. Quel dommage!

F2F - 0
Phone calls - 0
Virtual - 1
Recovery day 36

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