
By carliewired

A Lot of Bull and a Few Geese

Here's a reminder 
of our historical past, 
with our present day

~ carliewired

A statue of a bull sits at the west entrance to our Riverside Park in the downtown. It is a visual reminder of the annual bull sale held in our city. In 1918 local ranchers organized the first bull sale as a means to improve cattle stock. The story goes that this first sale was a bit of pandemonium as these range animals were not used to being confined. At least one cowboy was injured. Despite the hazards, the sale continued on an annual basis and does today. Of course, it now employs more technology with online auctions and has expanded to other cities in the ranching areas of the province. 

As an aside, our city issued our small business a letter of reprimand a few years ago. Someone had spray painted our perimeter fence and the city thought we had not been prompt enough painting over the graffiti. So, I sent them a photo of this very statue showing yellow paint scrawled across its side. I told the city that I would be happy to paint over the graffiti on my fence when they decided to restore this bull statue in our city park. They did not see fit to reply but I noticed the statue was cleaned up very soon after my letter has been received. :-D

Please note the statue is currently in need of cleaning once again. Someone has decided to accentuate a certain part of the bull's anatomy with red and blue paint. I think it may be time for another letter to the city. 

As for the geese, I just had to add them in. It was bath time on the river. They were busy flapping, preening and gyrating in the water. It was delightful to watch. 

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