Peter at Cataract Falls

This is my delightful grandson Peter, who has elected to come home for spring break rather than carousing and spreading virus in Miami Beach or Cancun or elsewhere. He and some friends went hiking on Mt. Tamalpias and took this picture on the Cataract Trail. 

When a good friend and outdoorswoman turned seventy a few years ago, a group of us stayed at the West coast Lodge at the top of the West Peak of Mt. Tam, hiking into the lodge with all the food (and an ornate birthday cake)made by me with the help of a friend) needed for a sumptuous meal. We ate on the deck overlooking what seemed to be the better part of the Bay Area and beyond. We slept in rustic accommodation with the same spectacular view. The next day we hiked down the Cataract Trail to Stinson Beach where we had lunch together at a cafe there. I have been to/on Mt Tam many times, but that was a truly memorable time with a wonderful group of women.

Peter came by today and took our three bins down to the street. The green can was full with the lavender bushes Dana took out  and very heavy. It least the bins are heavy going down the hill and will be empty when I bring them back back up tomorrow. Thank you, Peter!

We have reestablished our weekly visit to see Kathy. Today we both needed it. John got some exercises to do on the reformer that didn't put any weight on his foot, and set him straight on which hand to hold the crutch with and  I got literally taped back together with Kinisieotape which is designed to improve circulation and healing afterI got rushed and hit on the knee by Spike's head. I turned over the quilt which Kathy will take to a quilter she found in Cloverdale, and recieved in return some delicious cookies from her daughter and some fresh eggs from her chickens. 

Conversations seem to take predictable patterns these days. Talk about vaccinations and getting appointments and side effects are morphing into discussions on how we will behave once we are fully vaccinated.. People seem to be divided along the lines of  how comfortable they were with quarantine and staying at home. Apparently quite a few people liked working from home and not having to socialize. I suspect they are not the people with young children also working from home, small houses or apartments or failing businesses! Something that happened so fast and lasted far longer than anyone ever dreamed it would will take a longer time to reverse itself one step at a time.... 

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