Here we go again – Day 81

This afternoon I got left 'home alone' for a couple of hours while Ann went out to do a 'Meet & Greet'. …...............A mother & daughter who apparently spend every second weekend in Edinburgh. Mmmmm................. we assume they're a 'blended family' and  the kid comes to visit her father (cos the rules say you can still do that) but who knows?! Ann didn't really feel it was her place to ask. Anyway she's only done two 'meet & greets' since Christmas so was very happy to get the work today.

I'm ever so good when I get left home alone. I get shut in our kitchen area and I'm always just snoozing in my bed when Ann returns. There's plenty of room for me to stretch out on the floor if I want to; but I never seem to want to. I just LOVE my beds. I have another bed in the living room and when we're at home together during the day I spend about 90% of my time in it. Ann knows she shouldn't really compare me to 'MollyCollie' but Molly only really slept in her bed at bedtime. The rest of the time she just flopped down on the floor. Oh well, hey ho, I guess we're all different.

A year ago, when lock down first started, Ann was really worried that I would forget all the training that she did with me in the first year that I lived with her. For three whole months I never went in the car, or on a bus, or into anyone else's house, or into a cafe/pub, or was left home alone for more than an hour (while Ann went to the supermarket). But do you know what?....................... the minute we re-started doing these things, I had actually turned into a 'perfect pooch'. The only thing that Ann is slightly worried about, is taking me into a cafe/pub because I haven't done that since................. actually we can't remember when the last time was I did that. Must have been at some point last summer??!!

But isn't it great that the lock down restrictions are starting to be lifted soon? …..........Well, in England at least?! To be honest, my human has totally lost track of what the rules are anywhere. She just knows that as far as she is concerned nothing is going to change for her in Scotland until at least the 26th April unless she wants a haircut??!! Why are hairdressers opening before non-essential shops???

However, if things go according to plan in England; hospitality is opening up on 12th April. Whoopee Doo!!! The minute Boris announced that; Ann opened up her calendar to accept bookings for our house in St Ives and took 10 bookings within 24 hours. Yay! It's our main source of income so soon my treats basket will be full again.

In 2020 we only managed to spend 5 weeks in our own home due to 'following the lock down rules'. And yet we still had to pay full council tax, water rates, wifi charges, TV licence, etc, etc??!! WHY?

Anyway, enough ranting........................ We're heading down to Cornwall next week. We have 'essential' work to do before accepting paying guests. It's not like we can just travel there and back in a day is it??? We thought we might be breaking the rules but a lot of posts have started popping up on FB to say that people who own holiday/second homes can visit them from 29th March to prepare them for 12th April. Not sure how true that is? My human isn't very good at 'googling' the rules.

Who knows what the rules are? My human certainly doesn't. However, it's more than 600 miles from Edinburgh to St Ives so obviously as we have 'essential' work to do, we'll be staying in our own house while we do it.

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